Crushing Your To-Do List: Figuring out the 'Why' of procrastination

Recently, I have been reflecting and reading about procrastination. “Why?” you may ask. Well, procrastination is something that affects ALL humans at one time or another. Can you remember the last time you procrastinated a task, inside or outside of work? Oh yes… remember that laundry that needs folding or the social media post you keep meaning to write but can’t figure out how to start?

As a director of operations for online businesses, I know all too well the negative impact procrastination can have on a business's bottom line. Whether you are managing your own business or working with clients, understanding the root causes of procrastination is crucial to developing effective strategies for overcoming it.

So, why do we procrastinate? There are a few common causes: overwhelm, uncertainty, boredom, and perfectionism. The first step to overcoming procrastination is to identify which underlying reason is behind it. Let’s discuss them one by one and come up with some strategies to overcome them.


When a task seems too big or complex to handle, it can be easy to put it off. This can happen, for example, when faced with a large project or a task with many steps. Let's say you run an e-commerce business and need to overhaul your website. The thought of redesigning the entire site, updating product pages, and fixing broken links can be overwhelming, so you put it off.

It can be helpful to break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. This makes it easier to tackle each piece one at a time and can help you feel less overwhelmed.

  • Start by identifying the main goal of the task or project. What is it that you're trying to achieve?

  • Next, break the task down into smaller, actionable steps. For example, if you're redesigning a website, you might break it down into steps like "research website design trends," "create wire frames," and "build out product pages."

  • Set specific goals and deadlines for each part of the task. This will help keep you on track and give you a sense of accomplishment as you complete each step.

  • Finally, tackle each part of the task one at a time. Focus on completing each step before moving on to the next.


Sometimes we procrastinate because we're not sure where to start or how to proceed. This can happen when faced with a new or unfamiliar task, or when we lack clarity on what needs to be done. Maybe you're a freelance writer and you've been assigned a new client project. You're not sure how to approach the topic or what tone to use, so you delay getting started.

When you're not sure what to do, it can be helpful to do some research or ask for help to gain clarity.

  • Start by identifying what specifically you're uncertain about. Is it the overall goal of the task, or specific steps involved?

  • Do some research on the topic to gain more knowledge and understanding. This might involve reading articles, watching tutorials, or attending a webinar.

  • Ask for help if needed. This could mean reaching out to a colleague or mentor for advice or guidance, or hiring a professional to help with a specific aspect of the task.

  • Create a clear plan of action with specific steps and timelines. This will help you move forward with more confidence and clarity.


Let's face it, some tasks are just plain boring! How about doing your taxes or keeping up with your bookkeeper’s requests? When we're not excited about a task or find it uninteresting, it's easy to put it off in favor of more appealing activities. If you're the CEO of a business, you might dread taking the time each month to come up with your content plan. The task is tedious and you don't feel inspired, so you procrastinate.

When it’s hard to stay motivated, here is how you can make a task more interesting or engaging.

  • Change up your approach. If you've been approaching the task the same way for a while, try a different approach to see if it helps reignite your interest.

  • Add a new element to the task. This might mean incorporating a new tool or technology, or adding a creative element to the task to make it more interesting.

  • Find a way to connect the task to something you're passionate about. For example, if you're in charge of data analysis for a business, try to focus on the impact your work has on the business's success. This can help you see the task in a new light and feel more motivated to complete it.


When we hold ourselves to impossibly high standards, it can be hard to get started on a task for fear of not doing it perfectly. This can lead to procrastination as we wait for the "perfect" time or circumstances to begin. You feel you are not a creative person and need to create some graphic images for your next page. You're worried that it won't be good enough, so you keep putting it off until you have the "perfect" idea.

Here are some steps you can take to overcome perfectionism:

  • Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, and they're a natural part of the learning process.

  • Recognize that perfection is impossible. No matter how much you strive for perfection, there will always be room for improvement.

  • Set realistic goals and focus on progress rather than perfection. Instead of aiming for perfection, focus on making progress and improving over time.

  • Celebrate small wins along the way. This can help you feel more motivated and encouraged to keep moving forward.

So there you have it - some strategies for overcoming procrastination in your online business! Remember that procrastination is a common struggle, and it's okay to have moments where you feel stuck or unmotivated. By breaking tasks down into smaller parts, looking for more information when you're uncertain, making tasks more interesting, and giving yourself permission to make mistakes, you can move past procrastination and achieve your goals. So go ahead and tackle those tasks that have been lingering on your to-do list — you've got this!


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